What is the full form of ISRO?

Asked 3 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
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The Full Form of ISRO is Indian Space Research Organization founded by Vikram Sarabhai and its headquarter is in Bengaluru. It was founded in 15th August, 1969, as of now completing 54 years. Its chairman is Sreedhara Somnath It operates under the Department of Space (DOS) which is overseen by the Prime Minister of India. Previously ISRO was known as The Indian National Committee for Space Research that is (INCOSPAR)by our Government of India, became ISRO in 1969.

ISRO's first satellite name, Aryabhatta was launched in 1988 with Geosynchronous Satellite GSET. Also they launched Polar Satellite Launched Vehicle (PSLV), Indian Remote Sensing (IRS), Indian National Satellite (INSAT) for Telecommunication, Broadcasting. Also you know that ISRO had sent satellite to the Moon in 2008 - Chandrayaan -1, in 2019 - Chandrayaan - 2 and the lastest is 2023 - Chandrayaan - 3 , also they are ready to send satellite to sun for the first time and Gaganyaan in 2024.

ISRO and ISRO's scientist have done a marvelous job in the field of space and technology. With there day to day activities they will definitely ruling over the world. Its being a great journey for them to take forward this and make a way apart. It will be a good example for future generations who wants to work and who is willing to do a job in ISRO..

answered 1 year ago by Kshitij Agrawal

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